COVID-19 is all a lot of people could think about when we were not able to see family, travel, or go out to eat. Some restaurants had carryout, which was good, but not the same. We had soup a number of times (grilled cheese and tomato soup), which is easy to do.

Everyone should have had a chance to go over your own family histories to see what is missing, to get all your information in order and see what you may need to look for. People who think they have all there is to find may be surprised at what they might come up with if they dig deeper.

As for myself, as I reviewed our family histories, I came to the realization that we were not as organized as I had thought.

I still volunteer at the genealogy center in Elk Horn once a week. We have been going through file folders of Wall of Honor people who gave very little information when they were placed on the wall. We asked them to send more and some have not done so. Our job has been to find more information. That way, if someone does come in to see what is in a folder, we may have a few things to start helping them find more. Most of these have been easy to at least find something, like a place they lived after coming to the U. S. or where they may have come from. For some, we do find census records and sometimes that gives a clue of where they lived and what they may have done.

Hope you have achieved many accomplishments during the long confinement.
