(Continued from April 2023 ACR)

Jas. Ledwich, of Walnut, left for Des Moines on Tuesday evening, where he will attend a course of lectures in the Iowa College of Law in that city. We wish Mr. Ledwich abundant success in the study of his chosen profession.

Jas. Ledwich distributed a two-bushel basket full of public documents among the Democrats of Walnut; before he left, and gave them strictly in charge to peruse the same.

W. H. Linfor, one of Walnut’s live real estate men, gave us a call on Wednesday.

Mr. F. Moershell, the new merchant at Walnut, gave us a call on Friday. Mr. M. proposes to do a lively business, if energy and advertising will do it.

J. F. Strahl, of Walnut, proposes to sell a fine lot of stock at public auction on next Monday. Go and give him a bid.

J. F. Strahl has quit farming and is now engaged in the merchandising business at Walnut, with W. S. Motter. We wish him abundant success in his new field of operations. (September 14, 1876, p. 3)

The Walnut crop of this section is said to be enormous – which same may be said of the hazel nuts.

Honey is now coming into market in the comb boxes as taken out of the hive, retailing at twenty-five cents per pound.

On account of the late rains wrecks were of daily occurrence on the Rock Island railroad the past week.

Wheat and barley has been coming into market the past week in endless quantities.

After a careful examination of the hay crop there has not been much damage as was first anticipated by the first rains.

C. Walker at Walnut has embarked in the real estate business at Marne. He exchanged property in Walnut with Thos Meridith Sr. for property in Marne.  (September 28, 1876, p. 3)

LINCOLN TOWNSHIP. —The farmers are again themselves, although they hang their heads when you mention grasshoppers to them. This may be in dread of the plague, but we judge by the preparations that are being made for the next crop, that they are a little somewhat ashamed of their recent scare, and we think there will be no excuse for the next cry, as investigations have proven that a large per cent of the eggs have already been destroyed by recent hard rains.

The people of Lincoln have organized a society known as “Websten Litera,” (sp?) which promises to be an entire success. At its last meeting “the compulsory school law” was discussed and it is now considered that it would be a useless law. As their next meeting they propose repealing the present liquor law, which of course would be a good thing for the community, as there are only six or seven saloons at our nearest trading point. Is not this a land of rattlesnakes? Give the people a chance for their lives!       INCOGNITO.  (October 26, 1876, p. 3)

LINCOLN TOWNSHIP —Pretended sharpers whose hopes for Tilden has entirely gone, are offering to vote for Hayes, provided they in return receive a Republican’s vote for Bolter. Well enough planned but poorly executed.

Mr. J. K. Stephens has rented his farm to J. W. Ashworth, and will start in a few days to Panora, Guthrie county, where he expects to make his home for a few months. Mr. S. is one of the enterprising men of Lincoln, and will be missed by the community. INCOG (November 2, 1876, p. 3)

LINCOLN TOWNSHIP —Another cloud of grasshoppers would cause less despondency than the present election reports, on the general result. All appear to think that the government is for the first time in the hands of those who tried to destroy it.

Hog cholera has so far entirely missed this section although we hear of it on all sides.

Corn is very good and everybody is trying to get it in the crib before snow falls. “Webster Literary” is still progressing. INCOG. (November 16, 1876, p. 3)

W. E. Edmunds, conductor on the construction train, met with quite an accident at Walnut last Friday. Two cars loaded with railroad iron had to be coupled, and as the brakeman was a green hand, Mr. Edmunds did not consider it safe to trust him with the job, consequently he undertook it himself. While engaged in the work, he was watching the iron to keep it from jamming his head in, and failed to get his hand out soon enough, his thumb and index finger catching between the bumpers, fracturing the bones in several places. He came to Avoca as soon as possible, where Dr. Carman, road surgeon, dressed the wound. Though the bones are badly broken, the doctor thinks his fingers can be saved. It was a close call, and Mr. Edmunds’ conduct in taking the risk shows him to be every inch a man. (November 23, 1876, p. 3)