by Karen Hansen

Layton Township 4-H Club to Start Tin Can Campaign

The Layton Willing Workers 4-H club is planning an all out effort to sponsor a Tin Salvage campaign during the month of April in compliance with the government appeal for war material shortages….

Spring Calls for Getting Scrap Drive Underway

Hampered by snow, ice and sub-zero temperatures, Iowa only shipped 9.5 percent of its iron and steel scrap quota the first month of 1943.  Chairmen of county salvage committees have perfected plans, however, to get the state out of cellar position in the region now that spring is here.  The government needs copper, brass and bronze scrap as well as iron and steel.  That old unserviceable tractor in the farm yard will furnish a lot of vital war materials.

Red Cross Work Must Go On; Need Surgical Dressings

A further and yet more urgent request for speeding up production of surgical dressings was received from the national Red Cross headquarters by the local chairman, Mrs. C. C. Linn….  The surgical dressing sewing room is in the rear of the Walnut State Bank, and is open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons.  Mrs. June Boiler is in charge….

Victory Book Campaign, Success

Over 90 books were collected in the recent Victory Book campaign, sponsored by the freshman class of the Walnut High School in their house-to-house canvass, as a part of the Junior Red Cross program.

The group was very well pleased with the results in their undertaking.  All books were in good shape and included a large number of classics and well-writen novels.

The collection was turned over to Mrs. C. C. Linn, local Red Cross chairman, who delivered them to Council Bluffs county Red Cross chapter to be distributed among the army camps.

Jr. Federated Club to Sponsor Stocking Campaign

Silk Stockings as another Walnut contribution to Uncle Sam in his war effort, will be collected during the next 3 weeks, the affair being sponsored by the Junior Federated Woman’s club.  A container will be kept at the Thompson Drug store and anyone having discarded silk or nylon hose, is asked to leave them….

Did You Know?

Did you know that one lb. of waste kitchen fats contains enough glycerine to make one and one-third pounds of gunpowder?  That’s why we want every Iowa housewife to save every spoonful of grease, strain it into a wide-mouthed can, keep it in the refrigerator until the Girl Reserves collect your contribution.

Farm Scrap Needed

A half ton of scrap iron and steel is needed from every farm in Iowa if the state is to make its quota.  That old gang plow and that antique cultivator will help the cause along.  Remember that for each one percent of steel production lost in 1943, we will lose the equivalent of 255 Liberty ships.  To furnish some idea of the scrap needed by the government to blast the Axis, it requires 51,000 railroad cars each month to haul the collected scrap to the U. S. steel mill.

No Restrictions On Frozen Meats

Food in frozen food lockers may be used by farmers and other consumers without rationing restrictions, OPA has stated.  The total amount of perishable food stored in lockers in private homes, on farms and in commercial plants is considered too small to justify the inconvenience it would cause all consumers either to have this food declared or to place any legal restrictions on its use.

Freeze on Farm Machinery Lifted

The government freeze on the last item of farm machinery needed for food crop production has now been lifted, according to the U. S. Department of Agriculture.  Distribution directives for all haying and harvesting machinery are expected to be issued to manufacturers before April 15.  Approximately 75 percent of all types of rationed farm machinery, which was frozen Nov. 1, 1942, has been freed for distribution and local rationing through county war boards.

Tire Shortage

All indications point to a serious tire shortage for the balance of 1943.  We have installed more equipment to give you better Tire Service.  Bring in your tires and let us fill all the nail holes, cuts and bruises to lengthen the life of your tires. 

Recapping & Vulcanizing

Change oil and grease to summer driving

Let us care for your car and for your country


Victory Gardener Makes Plea for Protection

“We are going to raise all the food we can at home in our gardens, also chickens and eggs” claims a conscientous Victory Gardener, “but let’s start in the right way on our prowling, destructive pets—the dogs.” 

Dogs are alright in the right place, and in order to keep from annoying the overworked gardener, who has to battle weeds, worms and other pests, dogs should be kept in their own yard, perhaps on a leash or in a pen during the gardening season.—A Gardener.

(Walnut Bureau, April 8, 1943)

[Ed Note:  When we recently visited Hawaii, we were very surprised to see many feral chickens running around, even in large cities like Honolulu.  They are very pretty and colorful, but considered a nuisance.  Karen]